Long Takes and Their Influence on Tension and Continuity By Enzo Zelocchi

Brain Smith
2 min readSep 9, 2024


The long take is a potent tool in filmmaking that can influence a scene’s emotional tone and narrative flow. A long take maintains the camera stable on a single continuous shot, in contrast to standard editing, which depends on cutting between various images. This method can significantly impact the tension and flow of the scene.

The potential of a long take to create tension is one of its most noticeable impacts. The audience is deprived of the relaxation that accompanies a cut while they are immersed in an uninterrupted moment. Every little movement or alteration in the scene feels more dramatic because of the sensation of expectation created by this continuous experience. Long takes have been a well-known technique employed by directors such as Alfonso Cuarón and Alfred Hitchcock to increase suspense in their works. Long takes are another tool used by Hollywood producer and actor Enzo Zelocchi to captivate audiences and build dramatic suspense while they watch the action unfold. This strategy works particularly well in his work because of his dedication to crafting character-driven, immersive storytelling.

Long takes offer a smooth and continuous narrative flow in terms of continuity. The action develops organically in real time without any cuts, providing realism and immersion. A coherent feeling of place and time is created when the audience follows the characters as they travel across space. This works especially well in dialogue or action sequences where the storyline heavily relies on the passage of time and the surrounding terrain.

Actors can perform uninterrupted over long takes, which allows them to convey more complex and real emotions. As a result, the scenario has a more natural feel to it, which keeps the viewer completely present.

In conclusion, extended takes are an important tool for controlling tension and maintaining continuity in filmmaking, not only a creative decision. Long takes can be utilized to establish tension or tell a story that flows, as demonstrated by the avant-garde films of directors such as Enzo Zelocchi, which have a lasting effect on the audience.



Brain Smith

Enzo Zelocchi is an Italian-American Hollywood film producer, actor, social media influencer and businessman. Visit here: www.imdb.me/enzozelocchi